The day of our graduation party dawned glorious. While I was upstairs working on food and such, the boys secretly attacked our biggest and longest standing landscaping issue--the retaining wall that had collapsed by the patio. This project took hours.
Their efforts were all the more impressive because they were the guests of honor. We should have been insuring that they had a cushy, relaxing day. But you can't keep good men down. And our wall is now a thing of beauty.
With the wall complete and all the rest in place, the party began. It couldn't have been a prettier or more pleasant evening. Our closest friends in the ward came and Andy's family. It was a great crowd.
We made a special video in honor or Nick and Eric. What great sons they are. We're so proud of their accomplishments. They have the best possible wives and the brightest of children.
After dinner, while the women chatted, the men headed for the field for some shooting. Don't you love that grass? It was the golden hour.