Saturday, May 7, 2011

The Man Campout

I'm not sure who first thought of the idea of the camping trip. The boys realized that by some stroke of luck, they all had a day off from school. Seth's schedule at Eastern finally matched up with the rest. They began to make plans. Unfortunately, Bruce had to work so it would just be Seth, Brian and Peter. With foil dinners and fishing gear, they headed north with only a general idea of where they were going.

They found a beautiful campsite and set up Peter's tent. It turned out that it was just barely big enough for three. Peter said, "I wasn't one bit cold. We were just all cuddled up in there." I think he was referring to the fact that it was an extremely tight fit.

They wisely prepared for rain. At about 2:00 am, it came. But they were dry and warm.

They caught twelve beautiful fish. The trip turned out to be a success in every way.
They hiked and played and ate and even read a chapter around the campfire at night. They must have had plenty of food because they didn't cook their foil dinners til they got home the next day.

Look at those trout! They're in the fridge right now--a promising feast.
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There are no joys to compare with family. The experiences and feeling associated with family run so deep. Little moments are filled with meaning. They are the people who know us best and who we know best and who will be forever. This blog is a collection of the experiences that we can remember--the ones that happen on earth. I think our associations began long before and maybe the best is yet to be. Brigham Young says that our mortal experience is dreary compared to what is to come. I'm glad I can't see ahead because my life is anything but dreary. These people are my light and my joy.

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